guangzhou finance
baijiahao 09-15 21:50
zhang meng, xiao sixi
in the context of policy guidance, consumer upgrading, and industry iteration, there is an urgent need for pharmaceutical companies to break the traditional marketing shackles and embrace consumers so as to adapt to the new actuality and new environment. along with the return of the concept of consumer-centric and business model transformation continues to deepen, as well as in the branding, scale and other new industrial situation, the chain drugstore and brand industry in-depth cooperation has been the trend.
how will the brand pharmaceutical companies that play an important role in consumer self-health care and self-medication innovate marketing in the future? how should both business and industry deepen their cooperation to meet the market trend? in this regard, the leaders of well-known pharmaceutical companies including hainan quike, liancheng medicine, kpc pharmaceuticals, lingrui pharmaceutical and baiyunshan pharmaceutical shared their insights.
sharing guests: (in alphabetical order by last name)
li jinping, ka director of hainan quike
lu chuanglin, manager of market planning department of shenzhen liancheng medicine company limited
sun lei, vice president of kpc pharmaceuticals
you feng, ka director of henan lingrui pharmaceutical co., ltd.
zhuang huanming, director of otc product marketing center of guangzhou baiyunshan pharmaceutical sales co., ltd.
consumption upgrade, step into the adjustment period
according to sinohealth cmh data, the total size of china’s pharmaceutical market (excluding retail pharmaceuticals) reached 149.09 billion yuan in 2016, up 8.2% from 2015. it is estimated that the size of china’s pharmaceutical market in 2017 will reach 1,577.3 billion yuan, an increase of 5.8% compared with 2016, with the growth rate decreasing. on the one hand, socio-economic factors such as rising per capita disposable income and aging population continue to activate the potential of the drug market, while on the other hand, pharmaceutical policies, drug tender prices, zero-rate and other reform measures are restricting the growth of drug consumption. for the new pattern of the industry, the heads of the brand pharmaceutical companies all have their own unique interpretation.
lu chuanglin, shenzhen liancheng medicine company limited
manager of market planning department
with the rapid development of china's economy and society, many factors such as changes in consumer structure, changes in the disease spectrum and increased health awareness have together accelerated the upgrading of pharmaceutical consumption: ① with aging in china, geriatric and chronic diseases (such as cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, malignant tumors) are becoming the focus of pharmaceutical consumption; ② benefiting from the “across-the-board implementation of the two-child policy”, the pharmaceutical consumption in mothers and infants sees a good opportunity; ③ increased health awareness among consumers provides inexhaustible impetus for pharmaceutical consumption. based on the above judgment, liancheng will be tilted to the chronic disease, elderly and mother and child areas for retail products.
bright future amoxicillin is a safe, broad-spectrum oral antibacterial drug with high brand awareness and a relatively stable overall market performance in pharmaceutical retail over the past three years, while it is difficult to achieve a breakthrough in sales due to the mature market and fierce competition. however, as the national hierarchical medical system advances and pharmaceutical consumption sinks to the grass-roots market, there is an opportunity for amoxicillin market expansion.
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important! next moves of brand-name pharmaceutical companies in the retail terminal are all here