online message
contact information
one of telephone, mobile phone number, e-mail is required
mobile phone
wechat account
other additions
verification code

ping an-杏耀平台代理注册


statement on disclosure of environmental information

according to the measures for the disclosure of environmental information by enterprises and public institutions (order no. 31 of the ministry of environmental protection) and other laws, regulations and technical specifications, the following environmental protection information of nanjing chang ao pharmaceutical co., limited is hereby made public.

see appendixes for details:

appendix 1. eia of phase i technical transformation project of nanjing chang ao pharmaceutical co., limited;

appendix 2. approval of phase i technical transformation project of nanjing chang ao pharmaceutical co., limited;

appendix 3. eia registration form of phase i technical transformation project of nanjing chang ao pharmaceutical co., limited;

appendix 4. periodical acceptance and monitoring report of phase i technical transformation project of nanjing chang ao pharmaceutical co., limited;

appendix 5: acceptance and approval of phase i technical transformation project of nanjing chang ao pharmaceutical co., limited;

appendix 6. online test data (daily) of nanjing chang ao pharmaceutical co., limited in 2017;

nanjing chang ao pharmaceutical co., limited

september 27, 2017

  • service tel0755-2552 7000
  • business tel0755-2552 7386